WBCS 2016 Preliminary Answer Key

WBCS is the most targeted state govt. job in West Bengal .WBCS 2016 Preliminary Exam has been hold on 24th January 2016. A huge number of candidate faced this exam this year . So after exam all people are waiing for their result . Here is the WBCS 2016 Preliminary Answer Key . So let's check it.

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1 Opposite …….’Ecstasy’ Despair
2 The sea ______, we went for sail…. Being kind
3 Quintessential……….. Most typical example
4 In a moment of hurry, the files have been…….. Cast about
5 I prevailed ________ him to join our group….. Upon
6 No love lost……. Not on Good terms
7 Opposite…….forbidding……. Warm
8 Losing ground……….. Becoming less
acceptable 9 ‘surprise’…………….. Ha!
10 Ophthalmologist……………… Eyes
11 Memorabilia…………….. Memories of object collected because of their links ….
12 Imbroglio…………. A confused situation
13 He talked to his horse……. As though
14 Misanthrope……………… Dislike other people
15 She________ sit for hours listening to the wireless……….. Would
16 ________ is worth ambition………… To reign
17 He is here, _________ is unfortunate………… Which
18 Gift of the gab…….. Eloquence
19 ‘Mellifluous’………….. Sweet sounding
20 The _________door awakened the dog……. Creaking
21 ‘To take stock of’…………….. To survey
22 The crew were_________ the ship…………… On
23 Weather_________, there will be a garden party………… Permitting
24 This is______ Post office………….. Nearest
25 I can’t walk any________ Further


1 …Congress Ministry not formed under the act of 1935……… Punjab
2 …Newspaper…..’Shom Prakash’ Iswar Chandra vidyasagar
3 …..Hindu College at Calcutta…….. Rajarammohon Roy
4 …began with Dandi March… Civil Disobedience Movement
5 Rice cultivation….Harappan site… Lothal
6 ….”a surrender of nationalism in favour of communalism”…. Saifuddin Kitchlew
7 ….father of Indian Archaeology…….. Alexender Cunninghum
8 ……religious reform movements….influenced…nationalism in India….. All of the above
9 ….Buddhism the cause of all sorrows…… Maya
10 …..Indian National Congress…Social Democratic Resolution……. Lahore (?)
11 ……Upanishads were compiled….. 600 B.C
12 …..Kautilya and Chandragupta….sanskrit play…. Mudrarakhkhas
13 ….Governor-Generalship…..I.C.S introduced…. Lord Dalhousie
14 …..most famous Indo-Greek ruler……. Minander
15 ……tripartite struggle in…8th to the 10th century…… Palas, pratiharas,Rashtrakutas
16 ….’Drain of Wealth’…. Dada vai nawroji
17 …India’s earliest contact with Islam….. Arab merchant of Malabar coast
18 ….Andaman and Nicobar Islands ……Govt. of Azad Hind renamed….. Sahid and Swaraj
19 …..gives an account of Balban period…… None of these
20 …under whom … I.N.A officially organized Subhas C. Bose, 1943
21 ….founded Vikramshila University…….. Dharmapala
22 ….. ‘Great escape ‘ of Subhas Chandra Bose to Germany…….. 1941
23 …… First Muslim incursions on Decan during…… Jalaluddin Khalji
24 ……… Cause of the rise extremision in Indian National Movement……Partition of Bengal
25 ….Remains of Vijaynagar empire ….found….. Humpi
26 ……….Member of the Din-i-ilahi……. Raja Birbal
27 … Todarmal…. associated with……revenue system … Zabtiv 28 ……..official language of the Mughal empire. Farsian
29 …… introduced the Duh- Aspah Sih- Aspah system……. Jahangir
30 ….. Taccavi… was….. Loans to the peasant
31 ….Servants of India society…….founded… G.K Gokhlae
32 …. hind Mazdoor Sangh was founded.. N.M Joshi
33 ….. English set up their first factory in .. 1621 Surat
34 …. Hind Swaraj was written ……. Travelling from England to South Africa
35 …. Ranjit Singh was a leader…… Sukarchukia
36 …. not a member of cabinet mission ….. Lord Wavell
37 …Tipu final defeat. ……. Lord Wellesly
38 …… Pioneer of Economic Nationalism ……. R.C Dutt
39 …… “Council of Barabhais”……. Nana Phaaranbis
40 …… “Swaraj Party” took part….. election. 1923,1926
41 … ..”Theosophical Society” founded…… Blatvatsky
42 ……… Moplah rebellion of 1921…….. Kerala
43 …. Organised “Anushilan Samiti”……. P. Mitra
44 ……. Congress President when India became free………. J.B Kripalini
45 ….Communal Award … 1932……. Ramsay Mcdonald
46 ….. ‘The Mohammedan Anglo – Oriental Defence Association’ …….T. Bake
47 ….. Stafford Cripps was a member of the ……. Labour Party
48 …… the murder of Sir Curzon Wyllie…1907 M. L Dhingra
49 ….. 1942 Quit india movement … viceroy of India…… Linlithgo


1 …….In July 2015 India and Tajikistan ….. exchanged Note verbale…..To set up computer lab in school
2 ……… Hon’ble Supreme Courts rulling on 16 Dec 2015 …….pollution in Delhi…..All civic bodies and Delhi Govt. to stop burning of waste
3 …… Paris agreement of climate change in Dec 2015… The text is an agreement representing 200 countries
4 …… in correct about actor Dilip Kumar…… Award was bestowed upon him in Delhi on 14 December,15
5 ……Zaine Erhaim…… Has won 2015 reporters without border prize
6 … New Suez Canal Project…….. It comprise 72 kms…
7 …… Replace Sujatha Singh ……. Foreign Sectary.. S. Jayshankar
8 … Atomic Energy (Amendment) bill 2015……. Atomic Energy Act, 1962
9 …. Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog…… Arvind Panagaria
10 ….. GAIL …. Nov 2015 launch…….. pipeline Right of Use(ROU) through Space Technology?......Bhuvan GAIL portal
11 …. World Consumer Rights day….. 15 March
12 .. … Memorandum of understanding …. between India and United Kingdom….sector Energy
13 ….. Union Cabinet provided clearance …. bill …. 19 Dec 2015….Real estate(Regulation and Developmnt) bill
14 … NIIT … educational partnership … IT company in dec. 2015 HP
15 … two Indian city .. designated … UNESCO’s Creative Cities network (UCCN)Varanasi and Jaipur
16 …. ..2015 The World Academy of science (TWAS) award… U. Ramamurthy
17 …. Mou…. ministry of Textile and ministry MSME ….. Kanpur
18 …. 2015 Mailer Prize of Lifetime achievement. Salman Rushdie
19 …Which IT company … won 2015 Aegis Graham Bell Award….. Wipro
20 Pakistan …. test fired Saheen iii Ballistic Missile….. Surface to surface
21 December 10, 2015 Human rights Day … theme….. Our Right Our Freedom Always
22 FIFA U- 17 …..world cup Goa


1 …. higher percentage of “Tank Irrigation” ….. Tamilnadu
2 … Rate of population during 1911-1921…. west Bengal….. -2.91%
3 … Tropopause….. A region between troposphere and stratosphere
4 ….. Climate in West Bengal …… Tropical Monsoon
5 …. A person overlying India …. evergreen forest , Savanna, Dry Deciduous……. Tribandrum to Delhi
6 …. Mountains two dissimilar types of vegetation. on its two slopes …. Western Ghats
7 ….. ‘Meghalaya ‘ was Name by…… S.P. Chatterjee
8 … Xerophytic is a characterstics ……. Kuch
9 ……Biggest ship –building yard…… Cochin Shipyard
10 …..has least population density , as per census 2011…. Arunachal Pradesh
11 … Highest urbanised state…… census 2011 Goa
12 ….. Negative population growth ….. 2001-11 Nagaland
13 …. rivers of India is older than the Himalayas….. Sutlej
14 ….DVC was designed ……. foreign planning poject…… TVA
15 …… highest peak of west Bengal belongs to … ranges ….. Shingalila Range
16 ….. Boundary with Bangladesh Shared by West Bengal …… 2272
17 … longest of River of western West Bengal …… Damodar
18 …. Singalila National Park Located…… Darjeeling
19 ….. . tropic of Cancer Passes through … district….. Nadia
20 ….. Largest tobacco producer district….. Coochbihar
21 ……… Forest cover in a state (s) …. increase last two years … forest survey of India….. A and C
22 ….... Junction point of the eastern ghats and western ghats…. Nilgiri Hills
23 …… Greatest potential for the generation of tidal power Gujrat
24 ….. largest area under waset land….. Rajasthan
25 …Nagaland Mountains .. becoming increasingly barren…… Shifting Cultivation
26 ….Amarkantak Hills is a source of two rivers….deferent directions…. Narmada and Mahanadi


1 A carcinoma .. cancer originating from …… Epithelial Tissue
2 …… energy related by the sun .. because….. Nuclear Fusion
3 … X-rays are….. E.M radiation of very short wave length
4 … image formed by a plane mirror ….. Virtual and Erect
5 … . Water rises up a capillary tube …. Surface Tensions
6 ….. with increase in temperature the resistance of a pure semiconductor. Decrease
7 ….. heat of the sun reaches us …. by ….. Radiation
8 …. laughing gas ….. Nitrus Oxide
9 …. Astronomy means…..study…. Stars
10 Gas was leaked during Bhopal Gas tragedy in 1984…… Methyle Iso Cyanate
11 …. not a conservative force ….. Frictional Force
12 …. PVC .. stands for …. Poly Venyl Chloride
13 …. manufacture of vanaspati ghee……. Hydrogen
14 ……. responsible of depletion of Ozone layer……… CFC
15 …. metal present in Chlorophyll…. Mg
16 ….. Gynobasic style present in family……. Lebiatae
17 ….. A pure red flower bearing plant……….. white flower …. pink flower Co-Dominance
18 ….. a short day plant has a critical day length a 14 hours….. 12 hour
19 ….. an Endobiotic fungus ….. Synchytrium
20 ….. “Globule” and “Nucule” is found….. Chara
21 ……. Spindle fibres are made up of …….. Tubulin
22 ….. a muscle that is consciously control…… Striated voluntary
23 ….. Target tissue of insulin …. None of these
24 ……. competitive exclusion principal , two species cannot continue to occupy …..
Niche 25 ….. Grub is the larva of ….. Beetle


1 ……. model of industrial location , Weber makes…… Isodapanes
2 ….. not the short term priorities of RBI … Annual Report of RBI … 2014-15…. Ensure credit to PSU
3 ….. country stood second … foreign direct investment during 2013-14….. Mauritious
4 …… sector is estimated highest with respect to FDI during 2014-15….. Manufacturing
5 …… Gross fiscal deficit in 2014-15 as percent to GDP None
6 … planning commission of india introduce decentralised planning for the first time… 7th
7 …. India took annual plan….. 1966-69
8 ….. NITI aayog is set up by…… A resolution by cabinet
9 …. National development council is set up 1952
10 …. Darwin and Wallace were strongly influence by the book….. Malthus
11 ….. how many finance commission submitted reports…. 12
12 …. taxes within the jurisdiction of the central government …… Corporation Tax
13 ….. total export of IT, ITes and BPO services…. 2014-15…. 14.8%
14 … during the 1st FYP national income was increased….. 18%


1 ….. Number of princely state .. at the time of partition …… 555
2 …….Article organization of village panchayat…… 40
3 ….. uniform civil code …… 44
4 … member in the public accounts of the lok sabha…. 15
5 …… number of subjects in the concurrent list …… 47
6 ….. constitution of India neither purely federal nor purely unitary ….. D. Basu
7 ….. Money bill cannot be introduced without the consent. President
8 .,… part of the constitution deals with citizenship… Part 2
9 .. article gives definition of Indian states…. Article 12
10 …… article abolishes ‘untouchability’….. Aticle 17
11 Article….guarantees freedom of speech and expression…. Article 19
12 Article states that subject to certain limitation, every religious denomination shall have the right …. establish and maintain institution for religious for charitable purpose Article 26
13 ……article …. no riligious instruction shall be provided in any educational institution 28
14 ………… article … no citizen shall be admission in to any education institution maintain by the state on receiving aid out of state fund on grounds of only of religion, caste, race, language 29
15 …. article defines the name and territory of India….. Article 1


1 …. KOLKATA…. BENGAL…… 020514070112
2 ….speeds of three cars 2:3:4 ……. ratio to travel the same distance….. 6:4:3
3 ……. 4,10,22,46,…….. 94
4 …… 696996676979669779667……. 4
5 ….. money kept in bank amount to rs 1240 …… 1600…… 1000
6 …. 3 mangoes are sold for the cost price of rs 4…….. 331/3
7 …….ZXYW, VTUS, RPQO, …….., JHIG….. NLMK
8 … (232)33 unit place………. 2
9 ……. captain and vice captain can be selected form 11 players 110
10 ….. bell strike in course of two days 312
11 …… A man started walking towards south……..far he is from the starting point.. 10
12 …six person A,B,C,D,E,F….. marriade couples..... husband of B…. E
13 ……. five digit greatest number …. perfect square…… 99856
14 …. X lies between 0 and 1……. 1/X >√x
15 … salary of Anup is 30% more than Barun…… Barun less than that of Anup…… 23.07%
16 .. Six members A,B,C,D,E,F ….A,B married couple … male members are in the family………
3 17 ….. CABLE coded as XZYOV……… YZSP……. BACK
18 ….ratio of the radius 5:4 ……. ratio of their areas………. 25:16
19 Profit 25% made by selling ….. sold for rs 33.60…… 40%
20 … 17200 is divided by 18, the remainder is 1
21 ….incomes of A and B ratio 3:2 … expenditure ratio 5:3……. save rs 1000….. 4000
22 ……. least number to be added to 1500 .. perfect squre….. 21
23 …. 100 questions each carrying 2 marks …….. 1 mark is deducted ….. answering all the question got 80 marks ……. 60
24 ….15 Chairs in a row…how many chairs….between P and Q…

Note : All info are collected from Internet. If you have any quary then comment bellow



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